yoga, energy, strength, flexibility, rest, stretch Sharon Neubauer yoga, energy, strength, flexibility, rest, stretch Sharon Neubauer

How is Yoga like The Gambler?

… we can study how we contract and expand. Do we habitually clench (contract) or fearfully and rigidly tense our muscles, or can we hug inward sensing support and integration without creating unwanted tension? Likewise, expansive energy can be in the form of pushing away or growing or even releasing and relaxing our muscles. By studying in different poses how we can both contract and grow, we are connecting ourselves with the energy of the cosmos. And, off the mat, we might also become more aware of what and how we cling to in the world, and how and from what we may push away.

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health, meditation, Italy, retreat, lovingkindness, yoga Sharon Neubauer health, meditation, Italy, retreat, lovingkindness, yoga Sharon Neubauer

Meditation on Health inspired by Italy

… I found myself repeating one phrase, “May I be healthy,” over and over as if to milk the phrase for all the manifestations of health: May my thoughts be positive and helpful, may my food choices be nourishing, may my exercise be balanced between challenge and understanding, may my relationships be compassionate and positive, may my words and deeds be helpful and inspiring, may my skin be porous and breathable, may my immune system do it’s work to discern what is unwelcome, and more. I realized how much there is to contemplate in that simple phrase “May I be healthy.”

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Sharon Neubauer Sharon Neubauer


…grounding is the force that brings perspective to all the minor annoyances of life and prevents them from building up into a major explosion…

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